diy Zigbee Zigbee2MQTT gateway
In this article, I will be comparing two of the most popular open-source Zigbee gateways: Zigbee2MQTT and ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation). Just like Home Assistant, ZHA uses an open-source Python library, while Zigbee2MQTT is written in JavaScript/TypeScript. Both applications are used for the same purpose, but their setup and integration with Home Assistant differ greatly.
Various large brands and manufacturers are now making and/or selling Zigbee devices like light bulbs, switches and sensors. For example: IKEA Tradfri, Philips Hue, Xiaomi / Agara, Trust, Heiman, OSRAM, LEDVANCE, Lutron, Legrand Netatmo, SALUS/Computime, Sengled, Schneider Wiser, Tuya, etc..
Allows you to use your Zigbee devices without the vendor's bridge or gateway.
It bridges events and allows you to control your Zigbee devices via MQTT. In this way you can integrate your Zigbee devices with whatever smart home infrastructure you are using.
Zigbee2MQTT Architecture
Installing Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi(debian 11 os)
Installing MQTT on Raspberry Pi(debian 11 os)
Installing Zigbee2MQTT on Zigbee adapter ( SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus)
MQTT broker: MQTT is another smart home protocol that pretty much all tools in this space understand.
Zigbee2MQTT Zigbee adapter : This (also open source) software connects your Zigbee network on the one hand (via the Zigbee USB stick) to your MQTT broker;
on the other hand thus bridging the divide between Zigbee and LAN/Wifi.
Zigbee2MQTT on Zigbee adapter ( SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus) need a so called MQTT broker that will store and forward messages from devices.
Home Assistant will subscribe to this broker to receive updates from the devices and send messages to them via the broker.
解释一下MQTT在Home Assistant中的作用。小米空气监测器监测各项空气指标,将数据传输到米家的一个”云平台”之中,手机客户端app连接到这个”云平台”,去读取小米空气监测器上传的数据。
在Home Assistant的前端页面上看到温湿度数值。那么,也需要这么一个”云平台”,肩负起局域网中在温湿度测量仪和Home Assistant间传输数据的职责。而这个局域网中的”云平台”,就是我们基于MQTT协议搭建的MQTT服务。
(Note:当然,放到以前的话,温湿度测量仪也可以直接通过Home Assistant的API与之交互。但是这种实现方式耦合性太强,已经被官方遗弃。)
hardware - Zigbee adapter
Run Zigbee2MQTT on a adapter which with have a chip starting with CC2652 or CC1352
One or more Zigbee Devices which will be paired with Zigbee2MQTT.
SONOFF Zigbee Gateway
Look for a USB or ethernet device to prevent issues. Zigbee mesh will not require a central location for your Controller
SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus Gateway
Base on TI CC2652P + CP2102N
200 children
where to buy?
zigbee Devices by Gateways
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