How I Added a Matter Device to Home Assistant - Step By Step 


You have Home Assistant OS  setup.

A Matter-enabled device.


quick start

Setting Up Matter Server Add-on In Home Assistant OS

Add Matter Integration

Add Matter Device 


Step by step


step 1.your Matter Server is up and running.

Search for “Matter Server Add-on”.


 Install Matter Server Add-on


step 2.Now we need to connect it to Home Assistant.


So now click on settings in the left panel and then click on “Devices & Services”


Then click on “Add Matter Integration” from the bottom right-hand corner and search for Matter and click on “Matter”


step 3.Adding A Matter-enabled Device to Home Assistant

Now to add the Matter device, you will have to use the Home Assistant App for Android or IOS


Once you have the app and you open it, go to the “Device & Services” settings page, click on “Add Integration” in the bottom right-hand corner and search for Matter.


Now click on “Add Matter Device”



Start the Matter Server add-on to make the WebSocket available to Home Assistant Core.


Matter 服务器在第一次配对完毕后,会尝试去 Github 上拉证书。如果你不能设置代理,那么你的证书就拉不下来,你的设备就完全没办法连接。


Useful links


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