Quick start

Install Raspberry Pi OS with Raspberry Pi Imager.
Xshell Connect to  your Raspberry Pi.
Install Docker.
Docker pull and Run Home Assistant as a Docker container.


Configure Docker automatically discovery 
Configure the restart policy for Start Docker automatically


linux vs docker



Step by Step

Part 1.Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)


Step 1:Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) (debian 12.4) on a Raspberry PI detail

Step 2:Install  Docker on a Raspberry PI OS

Step 3:Install  home assistant Docker on a Raspberry PI OS

Step 4: Conect your Hard Device to  a Raspberry PI

Step 5: Construct IoT hardware devices using the .NET IoT Libraries


Part 2: xshell client

Enable SSH on Raspberry Pi raspberry pi os lite (64-bit) detail


Part x:Bluetooth gateway

Deploying a Bluetooth gateway on your Raspberry Pi (Built-In Bluetooth Adapter) series  detail


Part x:matter server

matter server detail


Part 3: Move data

Step 7: Move data from ha core to Home Assistant with Docker on Raspberry Pi 3b+ raspberry pi os lite (64-bit)




useful links


move data


move ha core to vmvare + debian 12 + ha docker



default dashboard changed



move homekit data



Home Assistant: upgrade-backup old home assistant and Install new home assistant






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