IP address is your digital identity. It’s a network address for your computer so the Internet knows where to send you emails, data, etc.

What is IPv6?

Originally we uses a 32-bit number known as Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4).Here’s an example IPv4 address:

This protocal is still used today. However, there are limits. Due to the enormous growth of the internet we reach the limits of thouse addresses.


IPV6 is internet protocol version 6.A new protocol IPv6, using 128 bits for the address, was developed and standardized by RFC 2460 in 1998.

An IPv6 address consists of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits. Here’s an example IPv6 address:


IPV6 has been developed to replace IPV4 which is running out of addresses.

Types of IPv6 Address

Now that we know about what is IPv6 address let’s take a look at its different types.

1.Unicast addresses

It identifies a unique node on a network and usually refers to a single sender or a single receiver.

2.Multicast addresses

It represents a group of IP devices and can only be used as the destination of a datagram.

3.Anycast addresses

It is assigned to a set of interfaces that typically belong to different nodes.


Advantages of IPv6


Faster Speeds: IPv6 supports multicast rather than broadcast in IPv4.This feature allows bandwidth-intensive packet flows (like multimedia streams) to be sent to multiple destinations all at once.

Stronger Security: IPSecurity, which provides confidentiality, and data integrity, is embedded into IPv6.

Routing efficiency

Most importantly it’s the final solution for growing nodes in Global-network.

Disadvantages of IPv6

Conversion: Due to widespread present usage of IPv4 it will take a long period to completely shift to IPv6.

Communication: IPv4 and IPv6 machines cannot communicate directly with each other. They need an intermediate technology to make that possible.





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